kubectl is a command line tool to work with Kubernetes clusters.

List resources. Specify one or more resource types separated by comma.

  • pod
  • deploy
  • cronjob
  • job
  • svc
  • node
kubectl get <resource-type>
kubectl get <resource-type> -o wide
kubectl get deploy,pod,node

Get logs

kubectl get pods
kubectl logs <pod-name>
kubectl logs deploy/<deploy-name>

Replace deployment

kubectl replace -f <deploy.yml> --force

Apply changes to deployment (resizing, etc.)

kubectl apply -f <deploy.yml>


kubectl delete <resource-type> <resource-name>
kubectl delete deploy/<deploy-name>

Copy a file from pod to local

kubectl cp <pod-name>:<path> <local-path>
kubectl cp nginx:/var/logs/error.log /tmp/

Get a shell into a pod

kubectl exec -it <pod-name> -- /bin/bash
kubectl exec -it deploy/<deploy-name> -- /bin/bash

Copy a file from pod to local in the event that you have multiple containers. You’ll have to specify the container.

kubectl cp mypod-5df57c74c7-fnr8t:dev-resources/mysystem/responses \
    /tmp/ -c my-container


Use of create vs apply

If you use kubectl create to do the deployment, then you can’t use kubectl apply later on to make a change. Use kubectl apply from the beginning and you will be able to do it again later on to resize.


Pod is spending forever on ContainerCreating

You’ve waited a while and the pod still says ContainerCreating.

NAME                                   READY   STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
pod/webapp-6fb944b47f-lcbxt            0/1     ContainerCreating   0          5m

It could be that you forgot to add the configmap and any secrets. Just delete the deployment, add your configmap and secrets and retry the deployment.


One of Cronjob, Deployment, Job, Node, Pod, ReplicaSet, Service
Smallest unit of deployment. Pods normally have one container, can have more than one in cases of tightly coupled code.
A process (normally an application) that runs in a pod.
